Tuesday, June 5, 2018


What even is Killer7, is it a first person shooter? an adventure game? survival horror? interactive movie? it even has light rpg elements, needless to say, Killer7 is a videogame, there's no doubt about that.

A high fantasy videogame, filled with magic and fiction, like terrorism, human trafficking, rape, pedophilia, political corruption, religious cults, hitmen, child soldiers, abuse of power, the endless cycle of destruction and construction perpetuated by the human being on it's search for meaning. 

Killer7 is as human as a game can be, our own mistakes, forever embedded into 2 mini dvds or a normal one if you play the ps2 version, it is ridiculous, it is gruesome, silly, funny, disturbing, majestic, outrageous, violent, very violent.

After the earth has decided to end all internet communication, stop every single war, destroy every nuclear weapon and bridge every continent together, forming some sort of world peace, a certain someone, named Kun Lan, using his god hand, is transforming people into Heaven Smile, invisible zombies who kamikaze everyone in sight, this newly former and seemingly unstoppable "terrorist" group kill the head of the new united nations, and the world call the only ones who might be able to restore peace once again, the Killer7, 7 highly skilled assassins under the mantle of Harman Smith, Kun Lan's greatest enemy.

Dan Smith, our white boy, he's unstoppable with a revolver, he lusts for violence.

Coyote Smith, a thief from south america, he can jump real high and unlock almost anything, he got a modified revolver too, and a rivalry with Dan.

KAEDE Smith, japanese-american girl, her blood can destroy barriers, and she can absorb blood onto herself too, she'll snipe you from afar with a scoped pistol.

Con Smith, a blind chinese boy, the youngest of the team, he runs extremely fast and dual wields automatic pistols, has a potty mouth.

MASK de Smith, a mexican wrestler, the favorite of the kids, he never takes his mask off, and will blow anything up with his twin granade launchers, and anything that survives will have to deal with his arms.

Kevin Smith, a british albino who never speaks, you wont see him when he stabs your from the back, because he can turn himself invisible, he never runs out of knives. he may be gay.

and Garcian Smith, an afroamerican whose job is to clean the messes who the others leave, he uses a silenced pistol, and is the link to the boss, Harman Smith, an old, Wheelchair bound man, who uses an anti tank armor piercing rifle, when the old man awakens, he's unstoppable.

Now this is a real team, no agendas or forced diversity, this was the crazy world of 2005, assassins come in all shapes, they won't look at you twice before they gut you either.

The enemy is no less charismatic, The heaven smile, awful beings with a perpetual, grotesque smile, they come in all shapes and colors, they're invisible, but you know there's one near when you hear Kun Lan's disturbing laugh, they all have his voice. How to fight them? easy, Garcian's got a ring who can turn then visible, all there's to it is to aim and shot them until no more blood remains in their bodies, if you hit their weak spot, you can get all that delicious thick blood and use it to upgrade your abilities in a nearby TV, if you shot them anywhere else until they die, they will yield no thick blood, but thin blood instead, that powers your special attacks and can heal you when needed.

Between the abnormal amounts of paranoia an invisible enemy causes, the awkward control scheme and the both incoherent and completely understandable mess of a story, there's a lot of fun to be had with Killer7's shooting, logic based puzzles and moments, it remains as one of my favorite games, there will never be something quite like it.

"Harman, the world won't change. All it does is turn. Now, let's dance."